In Hindu culture, only four Vedas are considered religious texts. Upanishads originate from Vedas, and Bhagavad Gita originates from Upanishads. Ramayana composed by Valmiki, Mahabharata composed by Vedavyas and Puranas are considered texts of history and traditions. Purana means “ancient.” Vishnu Purana (Vishnu Puran in Hindi), one of the 18 main Puranas, is a very important and ancient text. It contains a complete description of the character of Lord Krishna. Along with Shri Krishna, stories of Lord Rama and other gods and goddesses are also included in it.
In Vishnu Purana, the creation, sky, sun, sea, mountain, and the origin of gods and goddesses have been described in detail.
Importance of Vishnu Purana
Vishnu Purana has a special place among the eighteen Puranas. Its author is Parashar Rishi. This Purana has a very interesting and deep description of geography, astrology, rituals, dynasty and Shri Krishna character. A calm stream of devotion and knowledge flows throughout the Purana. This Purana, though based on Vishnu, shows complete generosity towards Lord Shiva.
Lord Krishna himself says:
“Yadabhayam dattam tadattamakhilam maya matto’vibhinamatmanam drashtumarhasi Shankara.”
(Meaning: Whatever I have given, is given by Shiva, because Shiva and I are one.)
Introduction and Structure
The Vishnu Purana is smaller than other Puranas. It is divided into 6 parts (khands) and contains about 7,000 verses. This text describes the incarnations of Lord Vishnu, stories of his devotees, and many religious and social topics.
Major Topics
First section: Origin of the universe, nature of time, and stories of Dhruva, Prithu, and Prahlad.
Second section: Description of the nature of the worlds, nine parts of the earth, planets and stars, and astrology.
Third section: Manvantar, branches of Vedas, household religion, and Shraddha Vidhi.
Fourth section: Description of the kings of Suryavansh and Chandravansh and their genealogies.
Fifth section: Description of the character of Lord Krishna in detail.
Sixth section: Description of Pralaya and Moksha.
Contribution of Parashar Rishi
The author of Vishnu Purana is Parashar Rishi, who was the grandson of Maharishi Vasishtha and father of Ved Vyas. In this, the stories of Prithu, Dhruva and Prahlad are especially inspiring.
Prithu Katha: Prithu encouraged agriculture by leveling the earth.
Dhruv Katha: Considering worldly pleasures as ephemeral, inspiration was given for spiritual progress.
Prahlad Katha: Lesson of not abandoning one’s principles and ideals even in times of crisis.
Special description of Krishna character
The character of Lord Krishna, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, is mainly mentioned in Vishnu Purana. In this, Shri Krishna is depicted as a social worker, a lover of the people, and an opponent of injustice. Shri Krishna gave the message of establishing religion and destroying unrighteousness.
His life was full of devotion, public service and the principles of Vedanta.
Following the duties
This Purana describes the duties of sages, Shudras and women and their greatness. The path to attain salvation is shown to a woman through serving her husband and wishing for happiness.
“Shudroshch Dvijashushrushatatparaidvijasattama:.” Meaning: Shudras attain religion by serving Brahmins and women by serving their husbands.
Spiritual message
Vishnu Purana describes human life as the best. Even gods wish to be born as humans. It gives the message of selfless action and the path of knowledge. Man is inspired to attain religion and salvation by following his duties.
Vishnu Purana is a wonderful text for following the path of devotion, knowledge, and religion. In this, the creation, religion, and the life of Lord Krishna have been presented in a very beautiful and inspiring way. This text not only gives religious education, but also shows the direction to make life successful and meaningful.